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Texted me “ Amazon your account has been suspended, please update your personal information.” and sent me a suspicious fake amazon link. Went on my amazon app and my account was completely fine. Scam.
Got a text message saying I purchased a refrigerator trough Amazon ( which I didn’t)
received text stating "you paid 2748.96 against Samsung Air Conditioner Order id PY52421VDF at AMZN on 05-24-2021. If NOT YOU, Call 1-833-220-3983" Did not click link, blocked number.
Text msg from 1-217-634-9132 saying I have paid 2899.99 for LG Washing machine. If not call 1-833-251-9195. Total scam. Do not call them back. I never ordered anything. Just checked all my accounts and credit cards. Everything was fine. Just ignore it. Will post more if I notice anything shows up in my accounts
Scam text, poorly spelled, wanting me to click a link and “confirm” items I did not order.
Got the same text as everyone else it seems. Please don't click that link!
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(My Name) Here is details about your formal order. Just confirm and get it. reditun.site. THIS IS A SCAM. DO NOT CLICK CONFIRM OR ANY OTHER FAKE URL THEY INCLUDE. BLOCK THEIR NUMBER.