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Got a call from 262-704-9780 telling me to call Kohl's. No reason for them to call me.
I get calls everyday from 262-704-9780. They leave a voicemail to call Kohl's Department store at 1-855-219-9472. No message as to why.
262-704-9780 called, no message left. Calls to my other cell from same number.
I received a call from 262 704-8208 claiming they were from Kohls Customer Service. I told them that the person they are calling is not here and asked if I could take a message. They said to ask him to call 800 564-5704. The person that calledwas a female and sounded as though she was probably from outside the country.
These people call multiple times a day and say nothing. This is harassment.
This the customer service line for Kohl's. Needed to add another authorized use to my account and they called back on this line. Its a legitimate number.
Rate Center | MENOMONFLS |
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Yes. Telling me to call Kohl's Department Store.