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Our company has been retained to process legal paperwork on you name and social security number in reference to a very serious legal matter again we are handling wage garnishment paperwork on your name and social and preparing to to attach only to your back acct. please contact our office directly at 949-668-0070 for a more detailed information thank you
Left a three minute voicemail with clicking and electronic whining
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Rate Center | - |
Phishing call robo Hi this is Sandy and I'm still trying to reach you since we have not been able to connect I just thought that I would give you a glimpse of our energy network division which we really felt that you would be a good fit for based on the résumé we have on file so her some of the details our team has brought in over $80 million in gross commission over the past 10 years and we represent companies like AT&T Heineken Hyatt Regency Coca-Cola and _?_?_?_ _?_?_?_?_ private equity groups worldwide so give me a call 1-800-241-2561 so I can go over the details of the position including the compensation and then schedule you into a one-on-one with one of our senior talent acquisition managers again my number is 1-800-241-2561…”