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This text came in on my phone today as well, however, they didn't use my name (Thank God)...Seems very odd and suspicious, especially since they didn't even know my name. In addition, I don't know anyone from Maryland, which is another reason for doing my investigative work first. My advice to everyone (as I truly care about people and want to help educate them) is to: FIRST, always do a reverse phone number look-up before responding to strange texts and answering unrecognizable phone numbers. They can leave a detailed message regarding the reason they are reaching out to you. Then you have the control and can decide if you want to return their call/text. SECOND, don't respond to any texts, emails, etc. from anyone who does not introduce who they are and reveal their purpose in reaching out to you. THIRD, don't answer phone calls from numbers that you don't recognize. They can leave a message regarding the nature of their call to you, and again, you have the control in choosing to respond back or not. FOURTH, never confirm your identity or give out personal information to anyone you don't know. In today's world, people/scammers are very creepy and have become highly skilled in developing creative scams to manipulate innocent people in various ways, for their own personal gain. Yes, it's sad, but true. I have to admit, that this simple text raised instant curiosity for me, so I'm glad they didn't have my correct name. However, people who are not aware of the countless scams that are out there, would probably respond back confirming their name without thinking clearly. This puts the innocent person at risk for all sorts of problems. Who knows what the person behind the unidentified phone number intentions are. Could be innocent; could be harmful. I've been scammed before and have had my identity stolen, which is a complete nightmare to get cleared up. With that being said, I suggest to look out for your own protection first before confirming your identity. I pray for everyone's safety and protection in this cunning and evil world.
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Called twice in 20 min. no messages left