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New address, email address and/or phone numbers: Phone Number: 4693733020 Phone Number: 4693733020 This number was also changed on my bank account information. It was in an email. From Texas. I changed the numbers back and everything else in the account was still correct. My credit card was also used for seventy-five cents and connected to a business. This all happened, after I deposited a check in my bank. I think the teller did it. Of course the bank won't admit to it.
Received 3 criminal telemarketing calls within the last hour. Catch these criminals & chopped their arms off, take out all of their teeth & cut out their tongues. Bankrupt them to pay everyone they called. Instead of costly prison- HANG THEM IN PUBLIC for all to see, cheer & celebrate the killing of criminals.
Rate Center | FERRIS |
They keep calling busting my balls .. WTF