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Same as the above text. Selling phone numbers for $149. web address is www.data1st.info
Sent me the following text message: Get a fresh database of businesses! 13 Million USA Businesses for only $149.Get a FREE sample & download instantly: www.data1st.info reply STOP to optout This was at approximately 3 a.m. & completely unsolicited. I am on the National Do Not Call Registry. I do not understand how these people get our numbers in the first place. I do not fill out surveys or do other things online that require my personal information including my phone number....for exactly this reason. I hate that they are still permitted to invade our lives any time of day or night without ever facing any consequences.
More span texts offering fresh database of businesses for $149...don't fall for this scam...
Send me a text offering business opportunities or such. I delete it because I don't recognize the number.
Has called over and over for us to sell our house. We have asked for them to STOP calling and take us off their list. Still getting calls from them all hours of the day and night. Sometimes they leave a recorded message and sometimes they just hang up.
Idiots invading our space unwanted calls and text msgs. Time to give consumers legal rights to have # tracings on our messages, phones, etc and have the Democrats donate their paychecks to pay for the world's spam/fraud calls. They sit on their ass all day thinking how to get rid of Trump and he takes no salary. Hello stupid people. Get the damn spam idiots.
Rate Center | PHOENIX |
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They call continuously but won't leave a message.