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Voicemail : "This message is intended for Muhammad a r a v v. I need to verify a current address as well as a place of business address to move forward with the next procedure at this time your forefinger right to take care of this matter outside South County. We may be contacting your human resources department to follow proper protocol to deliver your paperwork on the property. Again, the client is willing to rectify this matter of fact I hear from you today."
Called couple of times and pretended to be a collections company claiming they failed to reach me for couple of time and said they will find me at home or at my employment location. Insane!
Pretending to be some kind of collections company claiming they have a fax of a "matter" and need to speak with someone to resolve it. In other words, they are calling people, pretending you owe money and by giving them a payment by a credit card or bank account (which they will then proceed to max out or clean out) they'll pretend to resolve the matter.
Rate Center | NASSAUZN07 |
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No one leaves a message and they call everyday