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Mortgage scam. The voicemails they leave say if they reached you in error to just block their number. They just call back a couple days later with a different number, so that does nothing. I'm assuming they must use call centers to call. There's no way they could afford to have all those different phone numbers. I finally gave up and just got a new number. My phone hasn't even rang in 3 weeks. I love that!!!
It's a mortgage scam. They leave voicemail only, phone doesn't even ring. I've had 3 different people call so far. It started with Robert then some lady named Sam, now it's John. I solved the problem, I just had my number changed. I had it changed 2 weeks ago and my phone hasn't rang once......at all. I haven't even got a text. Had to have a friend call me and send a text to make sure phone was working right.
Hey mr OBiden instead of letting people illegally enter ,why not put and end to scam calls,the technology is out there
received calls from this number. When I called it back it states it is a foreclosure program and can give a low interest loan during COVID to save my house from going into foreclosure.
FORECLOSURE DEFENSE - They will hang up on you as soon as you tell them no I dont have a foreclosure I want to be taken off the phone list !!
"John" from "The Mortgage Assistance Center" gave this as a callback number. This outfit leaves prerecorded voicemail solicitations at least twice a week, always calling from a different number (so, spoofing is suspected).
The voicemails they leave me say they are Robert from 'The Mortgage Assistance Center'. Somehow they bypass the phone ringing and go straight to voicemail. I get several calls a week from them, always a different number calls me. But the callback number they leave is always the same. I spy-dialed the callback number and some lady answered and said 'Foreclosure Defense'. So which name is the real name? They use call centers to call, that's why there's always a different number that calls, but the callback number that they tell you to call is always the same. I've blocked 21 different numbers so far. And the calls come from all over the country.
Rate Center | NASSAUZN05 |
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I get calls for mortgage assistance at least a dozen times a week - I haven't had a mortgage in almost 10 years!! I block them all and they still go straight to voice mail. Wish something could be done about this!