564 397 3860 Says clark.county.something I called. Back nothing when I got.call.blank
This number belongs to a fraudulent debt collector scammer. It is a robo call which claims to represent a non-existent debt or one for which any legal debt collection action has expired. Do NOT respond unless you want to get permanently on their call list. Do report them to the FTC for fraud.
Got a voicemail from this number a few times. It sounds like someone is walking with their phone in their pocket.
Got a call from this and did not answer. The voicemail is garbled and sounds like it is electronically scrambled
Got a call from this number and they left a message but couldn’t understand a word just someone’s heart beat.
Called twice. Message sounded like distant explosions for over a minute both times.
Recieved a call with no one on the other end. Sounded like a pocket dial type call.
Got a voicemail. It was just a series of squeaks and what sounded like birds in the background.
Area code 564 belongs to WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES. It is a General Purpose Code which was placed in service on 2017-08-28.
Type | General Purpose Code |
Use | Geograpic |
Location | WASHINGTON |
Service Date | 2017-08-28 |
Service |
No response