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Report it to the www.FTC.gov and www.donotcall.gov and www.fcc.gov or sue him in small claims court or call 949-404-4228 for a possible free (no charge) attorney.
You can sue him in small claims court or hire an attorney for TCPA violation and he would be hating life in no time.
702 758 2977 Is a damn spamming idiot. This pos spamming ass hole is offering carpet cleaning sending 10 text messages a day. This person is a shit bag loser. 702 758 2977 Ass wipe.
No call list should also include the no text list. Spam-holes are at it again.
Fwd:Global carpet & tile~we clean carpet & tile grout~carpet cleaning 2 rooms & hall $69~tile grout cleaning 40 cents sq ft~Anthony 702 758 2977
Carpet cleaning mass text. These people are sickening, Anthony needs to do one.
Received a group text message at 5:32 a.m. today. It's the old carpet cleaning scam. I've blocked the number on my other phone and on this phone, but the text message got through anyway! Given the stress we're already under because of quarantine, this kind of harassment is unforgivable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Company | METRO PCS, INC. |
Rate Center | LAS VEGAS |
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