Got a call from 712-545-2743. Answered and after 2 hellos they hung up
Got a call and the voicemail transcript as below : Hey it's Barbara I'm calling you from tax resolution center I'm going to give me a call back at 877-867-4301 it's regarding your back tax debt I've got some great news for you with some new changes that have recently taken affect but I wanted to discuss your repayment or eliminations options it is imperative that I speak to you just as soon as possible so again my phone number is 877-867-4301 I'm looking forward to hearing from you have a great day and if you'd like to opt out of future calls please just call back the toll-free number…”
political robotext scampaign facilitated by robotext tsunami services cartel
A conference line event posted to my iPhone calendar with a button to call
Got a message on Facebook Marketplace stating that they can pick up the item for sale. Then requested a code submitted by Google. They replied asking for another phone number. After foolishly providing the information again I chose to ignore the text and messages
Caller ID showed Pra Group. Didn't leave a message, I assume all are spam if they don't leave a message.
We have received many calls supposedly in response to our inquiry about insurance. We never inquired about insurance or called that number!
We have received calls from this number in the last 24 hrs to "help us with the insurance we inquired about" We never made inquires and are getting many calls some from other numbers. We have been unable to keep the phone turned on without getting calls 10 min apart for extended periods of time.
Got text from “Geek Squad” +1 712 312 3294, stating they have charged me $499.00.
Keepe calling back to back trying to say i have a medicare review funny i haven't recieved any letter stating I am due for a review another trying to steal my info
Dropped call and no one responds when you answer - it's so aggravating they call constantly!! CALLER ID Name: PORTFOLIORECOV 712-302-3026
Area code 712 belongs to IOWA, UNITED STATES. It is a General Purpose Code which was placed in service on 1947-01-01.
Type | General Purpose Code |
Use | Geograpic |
Location | IOWA |
Service Date | 1947-01-01 |
Service |
Phone call on 712 847 5219. Not in my contacts. Did not answer.