DYNATA caller, Jill Shlanger-Felix called multiple times, knew my name (in real life I was an acquaintance of her late parents) and when I don’t pickup she hangs up. Over a month ago she left a string of profanity loaded messages on my voicemail after switching to “Unknown caller”. On Sunday 5/23/2021, the calls resumed with hang ups.
Caller somehow ask me by my full name. I told him he has the wrong number. But he refuse to accept that, he sound as he is from India.. he’s up to no good...
DYNATA caller, Jill Shlanger-Felix called multiple times, knew my name (in real life I was an acquaintance of her late parents) and when I don’t pickup she hangs up. Over a month ago she left a string of profanity loaded messages on my voicemail after switching to “Unknown caller”. On Sunday 5/23/2021, the calls resumed with hang ups.