The number 800-645-3390 belongs to or was associated with SKO Brenner American Inc. This was a collection of entities engaged in debt collection. This number listed above along with the following numbers: 800-669-4830, 866-281-4134, 800-557-2115, and 800-518-8945, all belong to or were associated with the SKO Brenner American Inc “group of entities”. Each and every single one of these numbers trace back to physically being located in India. The service provider is Vodafone. The area these numbers are located in is Uttar Pradesh (East). SKO Brenner American Inc was sold to some random company back in 2017-2018 and remained in the “inactive”status until September 2020 when it was “incorporated” again by Corporation Service Company (CSC) as a “foreign corporation” license number of MA 001459974. Although ARS, Inc has about 15 or more ‘branches” located throughout the US, the main location is very much still 40 Daniel Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 and PO Box 230, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Please DO NOT USE PO Box 406, Farmingdale, NY 11735 for any type of correspondence as it now is listed to an entity that is “Out of Business” per the BBB website as of 7/23/2021. Any and All correspondence MUST be sent to the “Registered Agent(s)” in order to be properly sent/received. That is the main and basically ONLY job for the registered agent(s) is to be available to receive and distribute documentation to the proper departments/people. This is something that is not told to consumers when we are told to send in written correspondence. You can’t send legal correspondence to a Post Office Box, because it MUST be signed for personally by someone. That person to sign for legal documentation is the registered agent.
The number 800-645-3390 belongs to or was associated with SKO Brenner American Inc. This was a collection of entities engaged in debt collection. This number listed above along with the following numbers: 800-669-4830, 866-281-4134, 800-557-2115, and 800-518-8945, all belong to or were associated with the SKO Brenner American Inc “group of entities”. Each and every single one of these numbers trace back to physically being located in India. The service provider is Vodafone. The area these numbers are located in is Uttar Pradesh (East). SKO Brenner American Inc was sold to some random company back in 2017-2018 and remained in the “inactive”status until September 2020 when it was “incorporated” again by Corporation Service Company (CSC) as a “foreign corporation” license number of MA 001459974. Although ARS, Inc has about 15 or more ‘branches” located throughout the US, the main location is very much still 40 Daniel Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 and PO Box 230, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Please DO NOT USE PO Box 406, Farmingdale, NY 11735 for any type of correspondence as it now is listed to an entity that is “Out of Business” per the BBB website as of 7/23/2021. Any and All correspondence MUST be sent to the “Registered Agent(s)” in order to be properly sent/received. That is the main and basically ONLY job for the registered agent(s) is to be available to receive and distribute documentation to the proper departments/people. This is something that is not told to consumers when we are told to send in written correspondence. You can’t send legal correspondence to a Post Office Box, because it MUST be signed for personally by someone. That person to sign for legal documentation is the registered agent.