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Got an email about student loan forgiveness program and to call (833)-492-9841. The only problem is that I never had a student loan haha.. I called them and tried to go along with it for a minute until I told them, “I never had a student loan, you scamming scums” and inquired them about how they got my number, as I was interested to know what “college list” they were using that had me listed as someone with a student loan, immediately got hung up on lol …. Hmmm interesting, I was going to tell her about my cousin who has a student loan, but sadly didn’t get that far, oh well… I tried
Got an email about student loan forgiveness program and to call (833)-492-9842. The only problem is that I never had a student loan haha.. I called them and tried to go along with it for a minute until I told them, “I never had a student loan, you scamming scums” and inquired them about how they got my number, as I was interested to know what “college list” they were using that had me listed as someone with a student loan, immediately got hung up on lol …. Hmmm interesting, I was going to tell her about my cousin who has a student loan, but sadly didn’t get that far, oh well… I tried
funny to see that this website is censoring e-mails that we are copying and pasting. 833?.49?2?.9841 is the scam number but I am sure they spoofed another phone number to scam YOU!
This is a scam, do not answer this e-mail and phone call. Terese Marso Tue 8/24/2021 10:07 AM Barker Lalita, We tried? ?to? ?c??on?tact? ?yo?u ?at your home and di????d no??t? hea??r ??bac?k. I?t? lo?o?k?s like ?y?our? s?t?u???de?n?t l?o?an may? ?be? elig???ib??le f?or ?th?e re??c?e??n?t? stimu?lus f?or?givene??ss? ?and rel?ie?f legis?l??ati?on??? ?(C??ares A?c?t?) , ?how??ever ??your ap?pl?icati?on ?does? ?need ?t??o be? c?o?mp?leted? by ??Septe???m?b?er 30th o?f 2021 a??s? th?a??t is w?hen t??he C?a?r?es ?a?ct? ?is ??se?t t?o ?en?d. Th?is ?a?ppli?e?s to? all? loan ?sta?t?uses?? in??clud?in?g? t?ho?se ???lo?an??s?? ?in d?e??f?a????u??l?t a?nd g?arni?sh?men?t. ?If? ?you? cou?ld? ??p?lea?se? gi?ve?? yo?ur dedica?te?d e?ligibilit?y? l?i?ne?? ?a c?al?l at: 833?.49?2?.9841 ,? we? c?a?n?? ha??v?e?? t???h??i??s ??a??p?pl?i?e?d? ??i?m?mediat?e?ly.? P?le?a?s??e? ?be? a?w??a?r??e t?h????at ?th?e???se? b?e?nef?its? ??co?m?e? ???o?n? ??a? f?irst c??o???m?e f?i??rs?t? ??s?e?r??ve ?b?asi?s? t?h?ough?. ??P??l?ease ?m?a?k?e? ?s?ure? ???to? p??r???ov??id?e? y?our? p?e?r?son?a?l?? ?v?a??l?i?dati??on ??code ?#?18?6??56?. ?O?ur ?o?f???f?i??c?e hours? a?r?e 8??am-?5pm ?(P?ST)? M??ond?a???y-Fri??d??ay. ??T?h?an?k? ?Y???ou,? ?T?ere?se M?a?r?s?o -- ...... ....... ............ ......... ........... --- .?..M??a?r?k?et?i?n??g ???S??e???r?v?i????ces?,?? ?18???8??7? W?hitn?e?y ???M?es?a? ??D??r?? #?3?2?1??5?????,?? H??en???de??rs?o??n??? ?N??V????? ?8?9??0?1??4 ?????..?.??.??.?? ???t??o ?be?? r??e??m??ov???e?d?? ?????fr?o??m ?fut?ur?e???? ?a??d?v???er?t?i???s?e?me?n??t????s ???g???o? ??to? [???ta???k?e?? ?-? m????e???? ?-? ?o?f??f??? . ne??t???] .......... ......... .. ..... .. ...... ---
Must be a scam as I already paid off my student loan. what a novel concept, keep your promises, pay your obligations and invest in yourself.
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Claimed they were my health insurance