951-305-5359 SCAM Robocaller recorded message called 16 July 2021 at 10:47am. "This is an important message regarding your credit card balance due to the financial pandemic your existing credit card and medical bill balances are eligible to be forgiven by the new U S advantage forgiveness program. This program reduces your balances by 50% and reduces your monthly payments to help you out during these typical times. It's imperative you call us today before the funding for this program expires call the U S advantage forgiveness program department today at 844-406-1584 once again all for the advantage forgiveness department at 844-406-1584." Also referrs to 844-956-2101
Reported Caller Name: US Advantage SCAM forgiveness Program Dept
951-305-5359 SCAM Robocaller recorded message called 16 July 2021 at 10:47am. "This is an important message regarding your credit card balance due to the financial pandemic your existing credit card and medical bill balances are eligible to be forgiven by the new U S advantage forgiveness program. This program reduces your balances by 50% and reduces your monthly payments to help you out during these typical times. It's imperative you call us today before the funding for this program expires call the U S advantage forgiveness program department today at 844-406-1584 once again all for the advantage forgiveness department at 844-406-1584." Also referrs to 844-956-2101 Reported Caller Name: US Advantage SCAM forgiveness Program Dept