Police organization wanting the public to donate for officer benefits / benevolence.
As I explained to the man that called me, due to the recent and unreasonable ticket I received from a hard-nosed & arrogant officer, I wasn’t interested in making it any further donations !
It’s a shame that one cop with an attitude can ruin an otherwise good day for everyone, but when that department continues to allow that person to keep on with that attitude, then the organization gets what it deserves ! From talking with others, it seems the entire city government doesn’t care whether it has good relationships with citizens of the area or not. It seems that harvesting revenue by using the police as revenue agents is the only real concern they
have !
Police organization wanting the public to donate for officer benefits / benevolence. As I explained to the man that called me, due to the recent and unreasonable ticket I received from a hard-nosed & arrogant officer, I wasn’t interested in making it any further donations ! It’s a shame that one cop with an attitude can ruin an otherwise good day for everyone, but when that department continues to allow that person to keep on with that attitude, then the organization gets what it deserves ! From talking with others, it seems the entire city government doesn’t care whether it has good relationships with citizens of the area or not. It seems that harvesting revenue by using the police as revenue agents is the only real concern they have !