Got unwanted call from 876-894-8053?
Got a call from this number and knew right away it was a scam since I get a ton of call in my home number but usually with a Chinese accent. This one was slightly different and more like Caribbean or African american.. The same thing, calling to tell you have been selected as the lucky winner bla bla bla.. I started questioning the guy before even he started asking personal information.. He said he has in Benton Harbor and asked me where I was, I did not answer and told him he was not in Benton Harbor, he responded the phone he was using was a satellite phone and his company is based in Washington DC.. he got so mad for being discovered that he started insulting me before hanging... In previous calls from other numbers, they even called back leaving an ugly message saying they will find me, cut my tongue, torture and kill me... not sure what authorities can do in these cases.. Thanks
Consumers from Michigan complained about phone number 8768948053 calls or text messages.
Was the Call a Recorded Message or Robocall?
Reported to the FTC
0 Yes 1 No
Subjects of the call reported to the FTC:
Last complaint date: October 11, 2017.
Area Code 876 and Prefix 876-894 assignment information:
Report about phone number (876) 894-8053 owner may include:
JAMAICA location on the map:
Complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission about the unwanted sales calls received after the phone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry for 31 days as well as the calls that use a recorded message instead of a live person. All information in the complaints provided by consumers and not verified.
Complaints reported to the Federal Communications Commission about the unwanted calls, robocalls, and telemarketing (including do not call and spoofing). All information in the complaints selected by the consumers and not verified.