Got unwanted call from 877-521-6773?
Got a call from this number as Medical Revenue Services about a bill with Piedmont Newnan Hospital that I have been paying on for several months now thru Piedmont. The lady who called got nasty with us and said that it was not being paid. I have a call in to piedmont now. This lady would not even listen to what we were telling her even after we gave her confirmation numbers for payments.
Keeping getting calls from 8775216773. Sometimes it is Jennifer from Medical Revenue Services. Sometimes it just says call us back at the number. This last call the said call us back at the number 15 times; no other information. One time it said it was calling fr9m the federal government about my rebate.
Consumers from North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, California, and 17 other states complained about phone number 8775216773 calls or text messages.
Cities: Bostic, Indian Trail, Charlotte, China Grove, Danbury, Mineral Springs, Mount Airy, Oakboro, Sanford, Topton, Winston Salem
Was the Call a Recorded Message or Robocall?
Reported to the FTC
44 Yes 43 No 1 N/A
Subjects of the call reported to the FTC:
Issues reported to the FCC:
Last complaint date: November 25, 2024.
Area Code 877 and Prefix 877-521 assignment information:
Report about phone number (877) 521-6773 owner may include:
Complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission about the unwanted sales calls received after the phone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry for 31 days as well as the calls that use a recorded message instead of a live person. All information in the complaints provided by consumers and not verified.
Complaints reported to the Federal Communications Commission about the unwanted calls, robocalls, and telemarketing (including do not call and spoofing). All information in the complaints selected by the consumers and not verified.