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Got a call from 910-550-1107 - answered several times hello and then person hung up
Received (4) calls, no messages on 2/28/2021. The calls were at 11:34, 11:55, 12:25 & 12:51pm.
I keep getting calls from this number trying to get me to buy their product, they do not tell me what they are selling and they never send me the info. They are only just making a call to make money.
Wants to come over and give me a free roof inspection. I should have said yes so i could throw eggs at him.
Called offering “free roof estimate” on a house I haven’t lived in for six months and was never the owner of! Just another scammer trying to take advantage of people a year after the hurricane!
Rate Center | WILMINGTON |
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said they were a business we had dealt with, were asking for additional information. I declined.