Be extremely careful when receiving calls from this number. It's disgusting and so very sad the length people go to with these scam calls. My poor elderly mother received a call from this number. A little boy gets on the phone and says grandma it's me I was in a very bad car accident and need money right away. Please, "Don't tell mom" only you can know. Here's my Attorney's name Mr. Hicks and his phone number please help me. So since I work for a Law Firm I did some investigating and it's a complete scam. Thank God my mom didn't fall for it and called me immediately. I took care of it. Please be Aware of this number or any calls remotely close to the one she got.
Be extremely careful when receiving calls from this number. It's disgusting and so very sad the length people go to with these scam calls. My poor elderly mother received a call from this number. A little boy gets on the phone and says grandma it's me I was in a very bad car accident and need money right away. Please, "Don't tell mom" only you can know. Here's my Attorney's name Mr. Hicks and his phone number please help me. So since I work for a Law Firm I did some investigating and it's a complete scam. Thank God my mom didn't fall for it and called me immediately. I took care of it. Please be Aware of this number or any calls remotely close to the one she got.