Area Code 957 Text Scams and Spam Calls

An South East Asian Indian speaker, which I could barely understand, called to say he was from computer services (not mentioning which company) and told me that I had downloaded a malicious virus to my computer. At the time, my computer was not on and when I asked how he knew this, he began speaking faster. I told him I was fine and do not call me again. Within forty-five minutes, I received another call from the same number. I let it go to voicemail and received no voicemail from them.

July 28, 2018

Computer support some one hacked my computer

July 28, 2018

Area Code 957 Information

Area code 957 belongs to -, -. It is a General Purpose Code which was placed in service on 1969-12-31.

Type General Purpose Code
Use Geograpic
Location -
Country -
Service Date 1969-12-31

Other area codes serving ,