


Do Not Call & Robocall Complaints Reported to the FTC

Got unwanted call from 844-362-6662?

User Comments

Got a call, text message, AND email from 844-362-6662 demanding money

June 28, 2024 

We have gotten several calls from this number, but no one says anything, even if the call is answered.

April 09, 2024 

I got a call from a very old sounding man who said his name was Ulrich Cabig, and he wanted to talk to Joanne (XXXX). IM a CPA and he called my office, and I never heard of this Joanne. Then I realized he meant Joan (XXXX) who is my client, but I don;t know how he got her name AND my number. I asked if she would know what this is in reference to and he said yes. I hung up. Client not home. I called the number back, and its a phone plan sales company. Never mind

August 05, 2021 

Same as the majority of the others on here, except Liam(that's what she said her name was) used a VOIP number(showed on caller ID) but wanted my boss/owner to call her back at the 844-362-6662 number- Oomaa phone service. Not happening here either...lol

July 16, 2021 

Called FROM 347-657-6393 but gave 844-362-6662 as a call back- stated the owner of company "inquired" about phone systems online- 6-8 months ago, and they are calling him back now- could barely understand woman who called who spoke so fast I had to ask her to repeat herself several times. Just because someone "visits" your Website doesnt mean they are interested in a call- unless requested which i am sure the owner did not

July 14, 2021 

Gretchen Called from 8443626662 asked for my boss who was unavailable.... After looking it up the company she said sells phones.

May 12, 2021 

I am on the DNC list and they still called

March 25, 2021 

We are a volunteer clinic. They called knowing the names of our office managers and asking to speak with them about "issues" with our phones, obfuscating that they were just trying to to sell us something and trying to waste the time of our nurses and administrators.

March 19, 2021 

Called requesting callback for phone service.

March 04, 2021 

Called, hung up.

February 15, 2021 
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Complaint Statistics

Consumers from Georgia, Rhode Island, California, Illinois, Maryland, and 18 other states complained about phone number 8443626662 calls or text messages.


Cities: Hoschton


Cities: Pawtucket


Cities: San Mateo


Cities: Aurora, Carrier Mills


Cities: N/A

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Was the Call a Recorded Message or Robocall?
Reported to the FTC

23 Yes    42 No     1 N/A

Subjects of the call reported to the FTC:

  • Other
  • No Subject Provided
  • Energy, solar, & utilities
  • Computer & technical support
  • Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends
  • Dropped call or no message

Last complaint date: April 20, 2024.

Phone Number Information

Area Code 844 and Prefix 844-362 assignment information:

Rate Center

Report about phone number (844) 362-6662 owner may include:

Owner's Full Name
Family Members
Current Address
Address History
Current Location
Phone Type and Carrier

Alternative Formatting

  • Local: 362-6662
  • Domestic: (844) 362-6662
  • Dialed in the U.S.: 1 (844) 362-6662
  • International: +1 (844) 362-6662

Related Phone Numbers

Do Not Call & Robocall Complaints

Complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission about the unwanted sales calls received after the phone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry for 31 days as well as the calls that use a recorded message instead of a live person. All information in the complaints provided by consumers and not verified.

Unwanted Call Complaints

Complaints reported to the Federal Communications Commission about the unwanted calls, robocalls, and telemarketing (including do not call and spoofing). All information in the complaints selected by the consumers and not verified.